Partnering With From One Mother to Another

Here at Xtendlife, we think it is very important to give back. When we heard about From One Mother to Another, we knew we needed to support them. This charitable organization provides support for mothers at the most difficult time: when their children are hospitalized. We would like to introduce you, to this project and remind you that kindness is everywhere. And surprisingly, it is good for your health. We hope to inspire you to open your heart like we do at Xtendlife.

From One Mother to Another

Christchurch Mother Christina took her baby daughter, Arabelle to her GP, thinking she might have nappy rash. But it turned out to be much more serious, and Arabelle was rushed to the Children’s Acute Assessment (CAA) ward of Christchurch Hospital with suspected meningitis.

The hospital staff was truly amazing and supportive, but it was an incredibly stressful and emotional day.  A ’goodie bag’ not only helped keep Arabelle entertained, but it also provided Christina with an idea to pay it forward: gift bags for mothers or caregivers who found themselves in the same situation as Christina, to make their time at the hospital a little more bearable.

And so From One Mother to Another was born. Unsure of how the goodie bags would be received; Christina self-funded the first packs but was delighted to hear the positive feedback from the CAA Unit.

Together with close friend Joy Reid, Christina has grown the initiative to provide gift bags for Mothers and Carers in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) as well as the CAA Unit. Joy knows firsthand how stressful a hospital stay can be, as her first born Jonathan spent his first week of life in an incubator in the NICU. It was a very frightening and vulnerable time for her, and she found it very difficult to be separated from her newborn.
Christina and Joy currently supply 130 gift bags a month to Mums with sick children in the NICU and CAA Units at Christchurch Hospital. Their gift bags bring a smile and a word of encouragement to the often very sleep-deprived and emotional mothers at this difficult time. They have plans to spread the love further - much further though, to other NICU wards around the South Island, and eventually New Zealand wide.

How We’re Helping 'From One Mother to Another'

From One Mother to Another is such a worthwhile cause, so supporting Joy and Christina was an easy decision. Each month we donate our skincare products for use in the gift bags, we are also working on a very special project with them that we will tell you about soon... 

Open Your Heart

Kindness is good for your heart, both literally and figuratively. Studies have shown that older adults who volunteer or are generous with acts of kindness have lower blood pressure than those who do not. However, the benefits on the heart start young, too. Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of mortality, and the first signs of the disease can begin to appear during adolescence. Research shows that teens who volunteer even one hour per week can have lower levels of inflammation, lower cholesterol, and lower BMIs than those who do not.

So, let's follow Christina and Joy’s lead. Do what you can to be kind, lend a hand and show the next generation how they pay it forward. How can you open your heart?
