Achieve Healthy Aging and a Healthy Prostate

We need many vitamins, minerals and nutrients daily so biochemical processes can occur optimally in the body. If these nutrients aren’t obtained through diet or supplementation then aging can become more noticeable.

Supporting the body’s aging process with the right nutrition can also benefit prostate health, which often is neglected. Whether you are under or over fifty years old, you can support your aging process and your prostate health by taking this first step today. It’s never too late.  

Supplementation is the first step which is why we created our Total Balance Men’s range so you can nourish your cells while also supporting your prostate! Find out the difference between our two products below and how these can enhance your vitality while slowing the aging process.

The Natural Solution with Men's Total Balance Range

While both our Xtendlife Total Balance Men’s and Total Balance Men’s Premium formulas are a smart way to get the right age-defying nutrients for supporting a healthy lifestyle, there are some key differences between the two.

Both formulas contain the ingredients you’d find in standard supplements – although these are different as we don’t cut any corners and only source the highest quality ingredients to ensure maximum benefits can be achieved from these. Many products on the market contain cheaper and lesser quality ingredients which make it difficult for the body to recognise and absorb. Both of our formulas contain vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, enzymes and a blend of antioxidants to support the body’s ability to manage free radical activity and help cells stay healthy.

 Anti-Aging and Prostate Health in One

The Men’s Total Balance range not only has anti-aging covered, it also has men’s health covered too.

Our Men’s Total Balance range works to support men’s health and vitality by offering a specific blend of nutrients to maintain men’s health. This includes chrysin, a testosterone-boosting bioflavonoid, saw palmetto to support prostate health and stinging nettle This also has phytoterols and other ingredients aimed specifically at maintaining a healthy libido.

Both Total Balance formulas for men work by providing the cells with the right nutrients in the right amounts at the right time. But there are some key differences, as well.

What Is In Total Balance Men's?

Our Xtendlife Total Balance Men’s formula contains 76 key nutrients to support men’s not only overall health, but also sexual vitality, with nutrients that focus on supporting prostate health, healthy testosterone levels and enhanced libido.


Total Balance Men’s includes a wide range of nutrients that support the body’s ability to manage the five key reasons behind the aging process – free radical activity, glycation triggered by sugar intake, abnormal methylation, chronic inflammation and cellular degeneration, which causes cells to weaken, leading to lower energy levels and the signs of aging.

To help defy the aging process, our Total Balance Men's not only included vitamins and minerals but also other key nutrients that have been scientifically proven to help support the body and its systemic functions. This includes nutrients such as Coenzyme Q10, Nattozimes® and Lutein.

Immunity Support:

This also contains an array of immunity boosting ingredients which are very important as we age! The combination of Vitamin C and Beta-Glucan from yeast are two key ingredients in the standard Total Balance Men’s which can support your immune system during times of stress and the winter months. Beta Glucan is an immune-supporting super food that maintains the healthy function of macrophages which help manage the healthy inflammation process so the immune system functions at its best.  

Men’s Health:

Total Balance Men’s hasn’t just got immunity and aging covered- it also supports sexual health. This contains a blend specific to male health which includes potent Stinging Nettle Extract from the Stinging Nettle plant, Saw Palmetto Extract and Chrysin. These ingredients together protect the healthy function of the prostate, help with the management of an enlarged prostate gland and encourage a healthy sperm count while supporting libido too!

Studies show that Stinging Nettle Extract combined with other herbs such as Saw Palmetto Extract may be effective in relieving symptoms such as reduced urinary flow, incomplete emptying of the bladder and constant urge to urinate. (Ref. 1) These potent ingredients included in the Total Balance Men’s will help to protect your sexual health as you age!

Overall Nourishment:

Total Balance Men’s is designed to suit adult men at every age and health level and is formulated to ensure that every cell of the body receives the nutrients it needs to thrive and perform its necessary daily functions.

What Is In Total Balance Men's Premium?

In addition to the Total Balance Men’s formula, our Total Balance Men’s Premium contains 98 key nutrients (22 more than Total Balance Men’s) and offers even more age-defying support.

Additional Anti-Aging:

For extra aging support, we have also included some of the most well-known antioxidants found in nature, including Ginger Extract and Turmeric Extract which contains the natural active property curcumin. A 2007 study from researchers in India found that curcumin could help support the body in maintaining healthy inflammation management. (Ref.2)

Additional Immune-Support:

In addition to Total Balance Men’s, our Premium formula further helps support the immune system and overall health with its extra powerful immune supporting blend of Aloe Vera Extract, Olive Leaf Extract and Tea Polysaccharides from the evergreen camellia sinensis. Tea Polysaccharides have a great antioxidant effect which is great for scavenging free radicals which cause the signs of aging!

Total Balance Men’s Premium also contains a more extensive blend of amino acids as well as RNA to help maintain healthy protein synthesis and Guggul Gum Extract for added immune support.

Additional Men’s Health:

Not only does our Total Balance Men’s Premium include a wide array of nutrients that are believed to help defy aging, the formula also delves deeper into men’s sexual vitality and health by offering additional natural extracts. These include Masson Pine Extract and Grape Seed Extract(from New Zealand-grown grapes), both of which contain procyanidolic oligomers, a nutrient that helps support healthy circulation and blood vessel function (key factors in helping maintain erectile function), as well as Milk Thistle Extract for healthy prostate function.

Blood vessels also get support through the bioflavonoid Hesperidin, extracted from blood oranges. Stronger blood vessels not only help maintain sexual performance by ensuring essential blood flow, they also help support heart health for improved performance out of the bedroom such as running, cycling and other sports.

A 2016 study from a team of researchers from Harvard and the University of East Anglia’s Norwich Medical School found that flavonoids including those from citrus played a major role in helping support healthy erections.

“This is the first study to look at the association between flavonoids and erectile dysfunction, which affects up to half of all middle-aged and older men,” said lead researcher Dr. Aedin Cassidy, a UEA professor. “Men who regularly consumed foods high in these flavonoids were less likely to suffer erectile dysfunction.” (Ref.3)

Cardio Function and Neuro Support:

Our Premium formula also contains the essential nutrient Choline Bitartrate, a member of the B vitamin family that is believed to be deficient in 90 percent of the American population. Choline Bitartrate is thought to not only enhance athletic performance by maintaining cardiac function but also to help support memory recall, alertness and focus.

Our Total Balance range is the perfect fusion of both science and nature which has been designed to support your health from the inside out. These both have been reformulated over the past 17 years to accommodate new research, ensuring that we’re providing products that feature the most comprehensive supplement formulas available. Total Balance Men’s is an excellent option for supporting your overall health (including prostate and sexual health), fulfilling nutritional deficiencies and supporting longevity. Our Total Balance Men’s Premium is even more power-packed than our standard version with a strong focus on supporting the aging process, which for men is very important. Supporting your overall health with our Men’s Total Balance range will give your cells the nourishment they need to achieve healthy aging!


