Health Benefits And Uses Of

Stinging Nettle Root Extract

Rich in compounds like histamine, acetylcholine, and serotonin, stinging nettle root extract may help alleviate symptoms of seasonal conditions, support joint health, and manage bleeding in the digestive tract from ulcers or hemorrhoids.

Stinging Nettle Root Extract

Prostate Health

Stinging Nettle Root Extract Benefits & Background 

The common nettle is a flowering herbaceous plant known scientifically as Urtica dioica. It is found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, primarily in temperate climates. This plant is also known as the stinging nettle because it is covered with specialized hollow hairs called trichomes, which inject chemicals into objects that come into contact with them. Nettle root has a long history use for a variety of purposes, including food and herbal medicine.

Nettles are perennials that can grow to a height of seven feet in the summer before dying down to the ground in winter. They have rhizomes and runners that spread widely over the ground. The leaves on the wiry stems can grow to six inches in length and have serrated margins. The small green or brown flowers grow in dense clusters known as inflorescences. The concentration of trichomes depends on the particular subspecies.

The tips of the nettle’s trichomes break off when they are touched, allowing the chemicals to be injected. Histamine is the primary chemical in this mixture, but it also includes acetylcholine, moroidin, leukotrienes, and serotonin. The injection causes a painful sting that raises a welt on the skin, thus the common name of stinging nettle. The deliberate application of nettles is known medically as urtication, which is often used as a folk remedy for relieving discomfort caused by rheumatism.

Uses of Stinging Nettle Root Extract

In modern herbal medicine, the unique benefits of nettle root are used to support prostate health. Other nettle root benefits also include helping to maintain joint functions and manage seasonal conditions.

Support for Seasonal Conditions

Stinging Nettle Root extract may reduce the symptoms of seasonal conditions such as itching and sneezing.

Prostate Health Support

Nettle root extract may help to manage the symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland. These symptoms primarily deal with urination, including uncomfortable urination, bladder irritation, and overly frequent urination.

Bleeding Management

Nettle extract may help to manage ulcers and other bleeding conditions in the digestive tract.

Joint Health Support

Oral supplements of nettle extract may help to reduce the discomfort of joint conditions. Topical applications may also be used for this purpose.

Signs You May Need Stinging Nettle Root Extract

An enlarged prostate is one of the most significant signs that you may need nettle root extract. These signs typically include swelling of the prostate and uncomfortable urination. Uncomfortable joint conditions may also mean that you could benefit from nettle extract, especially if you are older. Seasonal conditions are another common indication that you may need these nettle supplements. Additional conditions that may mean you should take nettle include ulcers and hemorrhoids.

Similar Forms of Stinging Nettle Root Extract

Urtica dioica
